Monday, April 29, 2013

Kickstarter successful!

"Preludes, Problems & Prayers" is a go!
I have some studio dates booked for the summer.
Thanks to everyone who contributed!

new CD project and you can help! "Preludes, Problems & Prayers" - Pre-sale/kickstarter

I'm planning a new CD project to record in the studio this summer. It is interesting, entertaining and accessible music by three well-established composers and three up-and-coming new composers. To cover studio time, licensing fees and production costs, I'm doing a pre-sale of the CD through Kickstarter. (There are also some fun extra rewards for anyone who wants to pledge more generously.)
Kickstarter keeps track of pledges, but no one will owe any money unless enough pledges come in to fund 100% of the costs. A pledge of $9 buys a digital copy of the music, $14 buys a physical copy, and delivery will be in September. There are other fun rewards for more generous pledges too. The pre-sale runs only through the month of April so have a look!
Here's a video with more about the music and some audio excerpts:
And here's a link to the project on kickstarter:

Friday, April 26, 2013

My brain is full

Contemporary music has so much information in it. So many polyrhythms, complicated harmonies, and multiple lines. And every composer's style is so different.
I have worked hard on 4 contemporary pieces over the last two days that are new to me, one multi-movement. My brain is feeling very full.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

O'Brien Preludes recordings (free edition)

As thanks to Steven O'Brien for releasing his 24 Preludes free with a Creative Commons license, I've made some free (CC non-commercial) recordings of them. Not in the studio, although at least one of these preludes will be on my Preludes, Problems & Prayers studio-recorded project.

Steven has posted my performances on his soundcloud here: